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Use of Environment Variable inside Azure Function in C#

In this blog, we will learn how to configure and use Environment Variable in Azure Function. Concept of using Environment variable during your development which needs to deploy on multiple servers and connect to multiple systems. Whenever you use Environment variables to store the global constant or system credentials it reduces the time which was … Continue reading Use of Environment Variable inside Azure Function in C#

Email Parameters | SMTP Configurations for sending Test Mail from D365FO

Introduction: In this blog, we will see how to set up email parameters and SMTP configuration for sending test mail from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. Details:  Go to the Email Parameters by follow this path: System administration -> Setup -> Email -> Email Parameter. Another easiest way to find the email parameter in a … Continue reading Email Parameters | SMTP Configurations for sending Test Mail from D365FO

RSAT (Regression Suite Automation Tool ) implementation and configuration for Finance and Operations

Purpose The Regression suite automation tool (RSAT) significantly reduces the time and cost of user acceptance testing. This tool enables functional power users to record business tasks using the Finance and Operations Task recorder and convert these recordings into a suite of automated tests without the need to write source code. Test libraries are stored … Continue reading RSAT (Regression Suite Automation Tool ) implementation and configuration for Finance and Operations




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