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How to enable out of the box hyperlink feature for SSRS Reports in D365 Finance and Supply Chain Management

 In D365 Finance and SCM there are lot of out of the box SSRS reports in which you have hyperlink to move to that particular record (for example Ledger transaction list). But sometimes when you update environment you might end up with no such option in you SSRS report as you can see in following … Continue reading How to enable out of the box hyperlink feature for SSRS Reports in D365 Finance and Supply Chain Management

Sales return order line registration in D365FO and AX 2012

Introduction: Sales return order line registration in X++ Details:  Consider SalesReturnOrderRegisterLine is the table where records are with SalesLine referenced. If we are required to register serialized items than salesReturnOrderRegisterLine.inventSerialId will be considered and if item referred with batch then salesReturnOrderRegisterLine.inventBatchId will be considered. public static void inventoryRegistration(SalesId _salesId) { SalesReturnOrderRegisterLine salesReturnOrderRegisterLine; SalesLine salesLine; TmpInventTransWMS tmpInventTransWMS; InventTransWMS_Register inventTransWMS_Register; InventDim … Continue reading Sales return order line registration in D365FO and AX 2012

Message API – Message::AddAction() in D365FO Version 10.0.10 PU34 | New Feature

Introduction: From the version 10.0.10 Platform update 34, Microsoft has added a new feature Message::AddAction() which is shown in the message bar.  Details: Message API associated with display or action menu items, which is visualized as a hyperlink/link button.  It is linked with a single record at a time, called single action. In below taken example, we will … Continue reading Message API – Message::AddAction() in D365FO Version 10.0.10 PU34 | New Feature

Import CSV file in D365 for Finance and Operation using X++

Below is a simple example for importing data from CSV file in D365 FO using X++: /// <summary> /// import color code /// </summary> class CFSImportColorCode {     /// <summary>     /// main     /// </summary>     /// <param name = “_args”>_args</param>     public static void main(Args _args)     {         AsciiStreamIo                       file;         Array                               … Continue reading Import CSV file in D365 for Finance and Operation using X++

“Cannot delete a record in batch job(BatchJob). The corresponding AOS validation failed “while deleting batch job

while you want to delete batch job in Finance and operation you may have faced error as follows “Cannot delete a record in batch job(BatchJob). The corresponding AOS validation failed”.                This blog will be helpful to resolve this issue, just follow mentioned steps. Go to batch job(system administation … Continue reading “Cannot delete a record in batch job(BatchJob). The corresponding AOS validation failed “while deleting batch job

Change planned purchase order status as draft insted of default approved

When we create purchase order using planned order its default approval status will be approved as displayed in screenshot. To change that status to draft write following code where we will change its status to draft and further code to is to remove version of purchase order which necessary to make delete button enabled on … Continue reading Change planned purchase order status as draft insted of default approved

Change RFQ purchase order status as draft insted of default approved

When we create purchase order using RFQ its default approval status will be approved. To change that status to draft write following code where we will change its status to draft. create new class and add following code class CFSPOStatusRfq {     [PostHandlerFor(classStr(PurchAutoCreate_RFQ), methodStr(PurchAutoCreate_RFQ, endUpdate))]     public static void PurchAutoCreate_PurchReq_Post_endUpdate(XppPrePostArgs args)     {         //PurchTable  … Continue reading Change RFQ purchase order status as draft insted of default approved

Table Browser Extension for Google Chrome | D365

Now table browser becomes much easier for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. Here you go with Google Chrome Extension – Table browser caller for D365FO. It’s very easy to install and use it. After installing the extension to the browser, it appears on the top bar and looks like While clicking on the extension, You can find … Continue reading Table Browser Extension for Google Chrome | D365

Set form control access via security role in D365 Finance

In some of the cases instead of providing security to whole form we need it for particular form control.So this blog will help you with providing access to form control via security roles.If you want to know more about security roles you can use my previous blog . First of all we need form control … Continue reading Set form control access via security role in D365 Finance

Create security role in D365 Finance and operation

In D365 Finance and Operations when you need to provide and restrict users from a certain operation you can make use of security roles. You can create security roles from Finance and operations environment itself or from its development tool i.e Visual Studio. In this blog, we are going to create a security role in … Continue reading Create security role in D365 Finance and operation




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