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Using Security Filters in Business Central

Introduction Business Central allows various levels of security that can be used to restrict User access to different features or objects. We can use Permission Sets to prevent User access to specific objects like reports or pages. For more refined, row-level authorization we can use Security Filters to restrict access to individual record based on … Continue reading Using Security Filters in Business Central

Set form control access via security role in D365 Finance

In some of the cases instead of providing security to whole form we need it for particular form control.So this blog will help you with providing access to form control via security roles.If you want to know more about security roles you can use my previous blog . First of all we need form control … Continue reading Set form control access via security role in D365 Finance

Create security role in D365 Finance and operation

In D365 Finance and Operations when you need to provide and restrict users from a certain operation you can make use of security roles. You can create security roles from Finance and operations environment itself or from its development tool i.e Visual Studio. In this blog, we are going to create a security role in … Continue reading Create security role in D365 Finance and operation

Power BI Transport Layer Security Settings (TLS)

Introduction: The Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a protocol that provides Secure communications. There are different versions of this protocol with the latest one being TLS 1.2. With all the crazy updates that Microsoft comes with, many of the programs, web services. etc. have enforced TLS 1.2 to be mandatory for communicating over the network. … Continue reading Power BI Transport Layer Security Settings (TLS)




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