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Issue in receiving purchase order in D365 finance and operations

In this blog, I am going to showcase how to resolve the issue in purchase orders at the time of receiving. Once the purchase order is confirmed and try to receive it, you may run into the below error. This issue is happing because purchase order lines are not updated properly. When you are received … Continue reading Issue in receiving purchase order in D365 finance and operations

Factbox of workflow history on purchase order in D365FO

Introduction: In this blog, we will see how to create factbox of workflow history of purchase order in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Details:  Well, Factbox is a very pretty cool feature available from the earlier version AX 2012. It is very easy to achieve in Dynamics 365 as well.  Here we will see how … Continue reading Factbox of workflow history on purchase order in D365FO

Change planned purchase order status as draft insted of default approved

When we create purchase order using planned order its default approval status will be approved as displayed in screenshot. To change that status to draft write following code where we will change its status to draft and further code to is to remove version of purchase order which necessary to make delete button enabled on … Continue reading Change planned purchase order status as draft insted of default approved

Change RFQ purchase order status as draft insted of default approved

When we create purchase order using RFQ its default approval status will be approved. To change that status to draft write following code where we will change its status to draft. create new class and add following code class CFSPOStatusRfq {     [PostHandlerFor(classStr(PurchAutoCreate_RFQ), methodStr(PurchAutoCreate_RFQ, endUpdate))]     public static void PurchAutoCreate_PurchReq_Post_endUpdate(XppPrePostArgs args)     {         //PurchTable  … Continue reading Change RFQ purchase order status as draft insted of default approved




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