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Track an Entity record form opening / retrieve activity by system user in Dynamics 365 CRM

If you want to track a user who has opened records of any specific entity then you are on the right blog because today we are going to see how we can do simple customization to track the user activity of who has open which record for how many times. Step 1: Create an Entity to track … Continue reading Track an Entity record form opening / retrieve activity by system user in Dynamics 365 CRM

Setup Email Router for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 Online and Exchange Online

Email Router is a service that runs continuously to synchronize only emails between CRM and specified Email system. Tasks, Appointments and Contacts are not synchronized using Email Router. Email Router is a separate component available for download and needs to be installed. Note: Only one instance of Email Router should be setup for an Organization. … Continue reading Setup Email Router for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 Online and Exchange Online

Server Side Synchronization for Synchonizing Data with Dynamics CRM

Key Technologies: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, Exchange Online, Outlook 2013 Introduction 1. Server Side Synchronization(SSS) is setup for Email processing between Microsoft CRM Online and Exchange Online within Office 365. 2. Appointments, Contacts and Tasks in CRM can also be synchronized using SSS. Pre-Requisites An Office 365 user must have the following licenses to setup … Continue reading Server Side Synchronization for Synchonizing Data with Dynamics CRM




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