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Workaround to Report.SAVEASPDF in NAV 2018

Objective: In NAV 2017 Emailing the PDF by running the report using Report.SAVEASPDF is now not allowed in NAV 2018. The reason is that temporary server file as not allowed to be saved for some security reasons. Thus this blog demonstrates the workaround solution for this issue. Pre-requisite: NAV 2018 Demonstration: 1. Concept: With respect … Continue reading Workaround to Report.SAVEASPDF in NAV 2018

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Error Resolution to “Form.RunModal is not allowed in write transaction” in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Introduction: Scenario: I had created an action button Print to run a report using REPORT.RUNMODAL, while running this report from the Windows Client an error is thrown as below. Pre-requisites: Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 Cause of this error: RUNMODAL stops the  transaction and waits for the User interaction. Hence, all users are blocked (who need … Continue reading Error Resolution to “Form.RunModal is not allowed in write transaction” in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

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Blanket Sales Order Dynamics NAV

Introduction: A blanket sales order represents a sales agreement between the company and a customer. It typically involves one item with multiple shipments at predetermined quantities, price and delivery dates. Scenario: Customer orders 500 units of item that will be delivered 100 units for each week. Steps: 1) In the Search box, enter “blanket Sales … Continue reading Blanket Sales Order Dynamics NAV

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Bug fixing for the error ‘The request for path /NAV2018/dev/apps failed with code 422.’

Introduction: Work around to solve the error ‘The request for path /NAV2018/dev/apps failed with code 422. Reason: The value “1473493” can’t be evaluated into type Date’. This is a bug accepted by Microsoft. Thus this blog demonstrate the workaround to the bug until it gets fixed. Pre-requisite: NAV 2018 Demonstration: Converting the text files to … Continue reading Bug fixing for the error ‘The request for path /NAV2018/dev/apps failed with code 422.’

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Saving the Data of NAV 2018 after upgrading the extension in Visual Studio Code

Introduction: In NAV 2018, after installing the extension the data of the newly created fields using extension is to be filled. But after upgrading the extension the data of the added field gets flushed out. Thus, this blog demonstrates how to configure to prevent the data from getting flushed. Pre-requisites: NAV 2018 CU2 along with … Continue reading Saving the Data of NAV 2018 after upgrading the extension in Visual Studio Code

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How to avoid data deletion when Dynamics NAV 2018 extension is published from VS Code

Introduction: There was a bug till NAV 2018 CU 1 update that whenever a NAV 2018 extension is published from VS Code, all the data which was inserted earlier gets deleted. Pre-requisites: Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 CU 2 Visual studio code (VS Code) Steps: 1. Install Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 CU 2 2. Install VSIX … Continue reading How to avoid data deletion when Dynamics NAV 2018 extension is published from VS Code

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Deferral of Income & Expenses in Navision

Introduction: Microsoft Dynamics NAV allows you to set up deferrals of income and expenditure. These allow you to post transactions into a particular month but then spread the financial effect over a number of periods in a way you can specify. This article explains how to set up and use this functionality. Set up: First, you need … Continue reading Deferral of Income & Expenses in Navision

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Creating a Control Add-in using Javascript and calling it in AL.

Introduction: In NAV 2017, control add-ins were called through .NET code which is imported as .ZIP files. With NAV 2018 .NET is not supported in extensions. Thus we’ve to perform the following steps to make a Control Add-in in Javascript. Pre-requisite: 1. NAV-2018 2. VS Code Procedure: Create a Startup script as start.js: Startup scripts … Continue reading Creating a Control Add-in using Javascript and calling it in AL.

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Setup multiple No. Series for a single field in NAV

Introduction: This blog shows how multiple number series are to be set up for a single field in NAV. The number series has to be setup dynamically on Assist-Edit of the page. Pre-requisite: NAV 2017 Demonstration: 1. Create a No. Series : Create a number series in the No.Series and then create a relationship. 2. Create … Continue reading Setup multiple No. Series for a single field in NAV

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Error resolution to the error “You are not authorized to sign in. Verify that you are using valid credentials and that you have been setup as a user in Microsoft Dynamics NAV”

Introduction: When we restore the SQL database from one server to the other server and when we launch the Microsoft Dynamics NAV RTC, we the error “You are not authorized to sign in. Verify that you are using valid credentials and that you have been setup as a user in Microsoft Dynamics NAV”. This blog … Continue reading Error resolution to the error “You are not authorized to sign in. Verify that you are using valid credentials and that you have been setup as a user in Microsoft Dynamics NAV”

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