Category Archives: Blog
Enterprise Integration with Azure Logic Apps
Understand Enterprise Integration Pack (EIP) The Enterprise Integration Pack is Microsoft’s cloud-based solution for seamlessly enabling Business-to-Business (B2B) communications. EIP is new features in Logic Apps which adds B2B and XML capabilities. Enterprise Integration Pack brings some of the enterprise B2B capabilities like AS2 and X12, EDI standards support (with EDIFACT coming shortly) and new … Continue reading Enterprise Integration with Azure Logic Apps
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Relevance Search in Dynamics 365
Introduction: Relevance Search brings the Global Search Experience powered by Azure Search. It uses scoring concepts where score is the indicator of the item’s relevance i.e. higher the score, more relevant the item. Users will get the comprehensive search results quickly in a single list that is sorted by relevance. How it Work’s Basically when … Continue reading Relevance Search in Dynamics 365
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Steps to create Table Extension Object and Page Extension Object Using Visual Studio Code in NAV
Introduction: Table Extension and Page Extension are two new objects introduced in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV TENERIFE Developer Preview (Visual Studio Code) release. Table Extension allows to add more fields to an existing table and to change properties of certain fields of a table. Page Extension object allows to add additional fields and actions to … Continue reading Steps to create Table Extension Object and Page Extension Object Using Visual Studio Code in NAV
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Understanding Subgrid functions in CRM Online
Using the new subgrid functions, there are 2 ways to get count of the subgrid data. Based on requirement, we have to use one or the other way for achieving the requirement. getTotalRecordCount(): It determines the total no. of records that match the filter criteria of the view. Features: 1. The count is NOT limited … Continue reading Understanding Subgrid functions in CRM Online
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‘Item Classification’ in NAV using Visual Studio Code (VS Code)
In this article, we create an extension of standard Page ‘Item Card’ in NAV using Visual studio code (VS Code). To implement the extension, I have created a field ‘Item Classification’ whose Data type is an Option in the table extension in Visual Studio Code. We use app.json (Cltl+shift+B) to build and create a .navx … Continue reading ‘Item Classification’ in NAV using Visual Studio Code (VS Code)
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Comparing Integration Platforms – TIBCO Cloud Integration and Microsoft Flow
In this article, we are going to compare features of TIBCO Cloud Integration and Microsoft Flow. This will help partners and customers, select the right platform based on their integration needs. Comparing TIBCO Cloud Integration and Microsoft Flow: 1. Real- Time Process: TIBCO Cloud Integration: For real-time integration, a Request/Reply Map needs to be created. … Continue reading Comparing Integration Platforms – TIBCO Cloud Integration and Microsoft Flow
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Power BI new updates: Dropdown slicer, Matrix Conditional Formatting and Hierarchical axis
In this blog article, we will explain about the new updates of Power BI related to Dropdown slicer, Matrix Conditional Formatting and Hierarchical axis. Dropdown slicer: In Slicer, earlier there were only one option to show the data i.e. list. But now we have one more option as dropdown. Means now we have two option … Continue reading Power BI new updates: Dropdown slicer, Matrix Conditional Formatting and Hierarchical axis
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Modular Business apps, App Designer and Sitemap Designer
Before the introduction of Business Apps, Designer and Sitemap designer, we have to take care of following things: We have to manage the security role of users otherwise they will be able to access all the records. If a user wants to design the site map, then user needs to either edit the site map … Continue reading Modular Business apps, App Designer and Sitemap Designer
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Create item from description NAV 2017
New parameter “Create Item from Description” has been added in Sales and Receivable setup in NAV 2017. By enabling this option user can create new item by adding description on Sales Quote lines, Sales Order lines or Sales Invoice lines. 1) Go into Sales and Receivable Setup and enable Create Item from Description field. 2) … Continue reading Create item from description NAV 2017
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Access Dynamics 365 without consuming user License
Scenario: We have a requirement to access Dynamics 365 environment from a custom application hosted outside D365 environment but we do not want to consume the D365 license. We want the user to have all privilege required to perform all task which administrator can do. Solution: Please follow below steps to create user Login to … Continue reading Access Dynamics 365 without consuming user License