Latest Microsoft Dynamics 365 Blogs | CloudFronts - Page 80

Create Notes Attachment using WebAPI

Introduction: After the introduction of web API in CRM, user can execute all the requests which is possible through C# or JavaScript. In this blog I will explain how to attach a document to record using the postman. Description: Notes attachments has been tested with a custom entity and tested on Postman. To work this, … Continue reading Create Notes Attachment using WebAPI

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Share SharePoint document programmatically

Introduction: Sometimes it is required to share the certain documents with outside users. It is possible that user can share that document as hard copy. If that document is hosted on SharePoint user can make a shareable link. Description: Sharing a document to the outside users are possible via directly going to SharePoint and creating … Continue reading Share SharePoint document programmatically

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Sending Email from Admin on behalf of sender in Business Central using MS Flows

Introduction: In Business Central, to send an Email the sender Email is always the user in SMTP Setup. But, what happens when you are sending email from <> but should be going department wise ie. <> and <>. Thus in this blog I’ll be showing how to send email from the department email using the … Continue reading Sending Email from Admin on behalf of sender in Business Central using MS Flows

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Power BI Custom Visual Sorting

Sorting can be used for defining an order direction for your Custom Visual. There are 3 different ways using which you or a user using your visual can sort your visual. They are as follows: Default Sorting: This is the easiest sorting option and gives users the ability to sort the visual by any field … Continue reading Power BI Custom Visual Sorting

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Outlook appointment/Meetings to be allocated on Schedule board in PSA using MS Flow

Business Use Case: Often there are team members who share the need of getting allocated on schedule board in PSA directly as soon as they book an appointment or have a meeting invite. One of the reasons for the same is for the team or anyone concerned about allocation to understand that the said team … Continue reading Outlook appointment/Meetings to be allocated on Schedule board in PSA using MS Flow

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How you can write Customization just specifically to create a profile

Introduction: Have you ever wondered how you can customize Business just for a specific profile and how tedious it can be for each and every profile? Well the answer is here and its simple than you expect. In this blog I’m going to how you can write Customization just specifically for the profile. Pre-requisites: 1. … Continue reading How you can write Customization just specifically to create a profile

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Adding Notifications in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Introduction: Notifications provide a programmatic way to send non-intrusive information to the user interface (UI) in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Their purpose is to provide users with some information about a current situation without any necessity to perform or block an action. Pre-requisites: 1. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Steps: 1. Create a … Continue reading Adding Notifications in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

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Shortcut to Settings from Unified Interface: D365

If you’re spending time looking and wondering that you always need to go to the app switcher to go the Settings from the Unified Interface, you need to do the following – Once you are in the Unified Interface, click on the Gear icon next to the help icon on top-right corner as shown below … Continue reading Shortcut to Settings from Unified Interface: D365

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Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations : Picking and Receiving – Transfer In Process in Retail POS

Steps to Perform Transfer In in Dynamics 365 for Retail on POS Go to Picking and Receiving –> click on + icon and click Transfer In Select the store from where you want to transfer in, Delivery date and mode of delivery. Add or scan all the products and its quantity. Click on + icon … Continue reading Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations : Picking and Receiving – Transfer In Process in Retail POS

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Use of Automation APIs to create new companies and view existing in Business Central

Introduction: Automation APIs provide capability for automating company setup through APIs. Here we are going to use the Automation APIs to create a new company in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and then view the existing companies information using the same. Pre-requisites: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Postman Steps: 1. Create a Company: To … Continue reading Use of Automation APIs to create new companies and view existing in Business Central

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